Renungan: Apa nak jadi kepada Orang Melayu?
Sebelum Negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957, negara ini telah menjadi tumpuan berbagai pihak untuk mencari rezeki. Kebanyakan mereka terdiri dari kaum Cina dan India yang asalnya telah dibawa masuk oleh pihak Inggeris semasa mereka menjajah negeri ini puluhan tahun yang lampau. Sebagian besar negara ini pernah dijajah oleh Pertugis dan Belanda. Jepun juga pernah mencuba tetapi berjaya diusir leluar selepas hanya beberapa tahun berada disini.
Tanpa disedari oleh penduduk asalnya, iaitu orang Melayu, banyak sekali bahan-bahan mentah yang berharga saperti bijih timah, besi, emas dan perak, getah dan kelapa sawit telah dibawa keluar untuk diproses diluar negara , terutamanya diBritain.
Mereka kemudiannya menjual balik kepada kita sebagai bahan yang sudah diproses, saperti pakaian,makanan, dan lain -lain bahan pengguna harian saperti sabun, kasut, tayar, basikal, kereta, pinggan mangkut dan berbagai lagi.
Bahan–bahan berharga ini dilombong dan diangkut dengan sewenang-wenangnya untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.
Mereka bukan sahaja meminggirkan orang-orang Melayu, bahkan telah membawa masuk beribu-ribu pekerja dari Negeri Cina dan India untuk menjadi kuli mereka dan memberi peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan kepada mereka ini , untuk sama-sama mengaut keuntungan dari kealpaan orang Melayu.
Sedangkan orang Melayu sendiri diulik, didodoikan dan dikelirukan dengan jawatan-jawatan rendah saperti kerani dan peon dipejabat-pejabat pentadbiran mereka. Inilah hakikatnya keadaan orang Melayu ketika itu. Mereka tidak sedar bahawa mereka telah ditipukan hidup-hidup oleh pihak penjajah, terutamanya Pihak Inggeris yang bijak berdiplomasi.
Tidak ramai dikalangan orang Melayu yang celik huruf ketika itu, jadi senanglah bagi mereka untuk di awtai (dibohongi) oleh penjajah untuk menyerahkan berbagai kuasa kepada mereka dengan janji-janji akan menjaga kepentingan orang Melayu, kecuali hal ehwal ugama Islam dan adat istiadat Melayu yang diserahkan kepada raja-raja Melayu.
Raja-raja Melayu pada ketika itu, yang telah diumpan dengan berbagai cara, mengikut sahaja teluntuk penjajah kerana takut kehilangan tahta masing-masing. Manakala pihak pejajah pula telah mengadakan berbagai perjanjian dengan berbagai pihak lain bagi menjaga kepentingan mereka disini. Inilah nasib orang Melayu sehingga sekarang walaupun negara telah 51 tahun mencapai kemerdekaan.
Melayu mudah alpa dan mudah lupa. Inilah kelemahan orang Melayu. Tidak mahu balajar dari kesilapan masa lampau. Mereka sering bertelingkah sesama sendiri kerana gilakan kuasa dan kekayaan yang bersifat sementara. Orang melayu mudah "syok" sendiri. Mereka sanggup menggadai reputasi bangsa sendiri demi kepentingan diri sendiri yang tak puas-puas mengejar kuasa. Mereka sanggup mengabaikan kepentingan bangsanya sendiri.
Perkara ini amat tepat sekali saperti yang telah dibayangkan oleh pepatah Melayu yang berbunyi “Itik diair mati kehausan, Ayam dikepuk mati kelaparan” dan juga boleh dikatakan saperti “Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dikendung mati kelaparan”. Pepatah ini masih releven sehingga hari ini.
Kerana asyik bertelagah sesama sendiri, apa yang ada didepan mata diketek (dicuri)orang lain. Orang lain yang matanya galak mengintai kelemahan kita, mudah sahaja mengambil peluang mengaut keuntugan dari kealpaan kita.
Kalau kita asyik bertelagah dan berburuk-buruk sangka sesama sendiri, janganlah marah kalau orang lain yang berjaya. Orang lain berjaya kerana mereka bersatu sesama sendiri. Lihatlah betapa banyak persatuan-persatuan orang Cina dalam bidang perniagaan yang terpacak namanya besar dan tersergam dimana-mana Bandar besar.
Apa yang telah terjadi kepada bangsa kita yang telah mempusakai harta dari nenek moyang mereka? Ribuan hektar tanah telah di wakafkan terbiar dan tidak diuruskan. Apa dah jadi kepada tanah-tanah sawah yang terbiar dimerata tempat terbentang luas disana sini, sayup-sayup mata memandang.
Kalaulah tanah-tanah ini menjadi milik orang Cina atau disewa kepada orang Cina, mereka akan mengusahakannya sebaik mungkin siang dan malam dengan berbagai tanaman. Tanah-tanh tinggi diterokai dan diusahakan dengan berbagai tanaman komersial.
Lereng-lereng bukit diredah dan dibangunkan dengan bangunan mewah yang hanya mampu dibeli oleh Bangsa lain. Orang Melayu terlopong kehairanan bagaimana bangsa lain boleh menjadi kaya raya, sedangkan kita sendiri telah lama berada disini, tapi tak pandai nak mengexploitasi kekayaan negara. Dimana silapnya?
Sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan menjadi sumber pendapatan yang lumayan bila tanah-tanah yanf ditinggal kosong jatuh ketangan orang Cina, walaupun ia hanya sebesar tapak kera. Kenapa?
Oleh itu janganlah kita marah kepada kaum Cina, yang kini telah ditakrifkan sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Mereka juga sudah cintakan negara ini dan menganggap negara ini negara mereka sendiri. Mereka juga sudah tidak diterima sebagai raykat negeri Cina kalau pun mereka mahu memilih untuk berbuat demikian, kerana mereka juga telah dilahirkan dan dibesarkan disini.
Mereka juga sama-sama menerima peranan membangunkan negara ini. Bukan salah orang Cina kalau kita tak berjaya. Salah kita sendiri. Kita yang mengabaikan tanggungjawab membangunkan diri sendiri.
Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorang, kecuali orang itu sendiri yang mengubahnya. Oleh itu sedarlah wahai bangsaku.Kembalilah kepada perjuangan asal demi meneggakkan intergriti dan maruah bangsa dan tanahairmu yang tercinta ini.
Pihak kerjaan telah menyediakan berbagai kemudahan dan keistimewasan khusus kepada orang Melayu. Pihak Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) misalnya telah menyediakan berbagai biasiswa untuk orang Melayu, untuk belajar didalam dan diluar negara, untuk menjadi pewaris berguna dimasa hadapan. Sayang seribu kali sayang, ramai dikalang mereka tidak menghargainya kemudahan-kemudahan ini. Sampai diluar negara, mereka lupa tujuan asal mereka kesana.
Mereka terlibat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan politik dan kegaiatan lain yang diluar bidang tugas mereka. Minat kepada pelajaran terhakis sedikit demi sedikit, dek leka dengan berpesatuan itu dan ini, yang tidak memberi faedah kepada mereka.
Sebahagian dari mereka ini terpaksa pulang tanpa ijazah yang diharapkan. Ada juga diantara mereka yang mencaci hamun kerajaan yang memerintah. Mereka ini boleh dikatakan, umpama “menolong anjing tersepit” atau “orang bagi bunga dibalas dengan tahi”.
Ramai daripada kalangan remaja Melayu terjebat dengan dadah, Mat rempit, peragut dan panyamun. Apa dah jadi kepada Orang Melayu? Saban hari kejadian merompak menyamun melibatkan remaja Melayu. Kebanyakan mereka terlibat dengan dadah, ganja dan lain-lain. Alangkah malunya kita orang melayu yang terkenal dengan budi bahasa yang halus menjadi sampah masyarakat dinegara sendiri.
Mereka tinggalkan bangku sekolah kerana mengikut kawan-kawan sebaya mencuba sesuatu yang mereka kira mengasyikan. Mereka ingat berfoya didisco-disco dan pusat-pusat hiburan kepunyaan bangsa lain itu satu keistimewaan yang harus ditonjol dan dibangga-banggakan.
Agaknya bangsa-bangsa lain di negara ini ketawa terbahak-bahak melihat gelagat orang Melayu kecundang ditanah air sendiri. Orang Cina cemerlang dalam bidang sukan, orang Melayu cemerlang dibidang lepak, Orang lain cemerlang dibidang perniagaan, orang Melayu cemerlang pengambilan dadah. Apa nak jadi kepada orang Melayu?
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Blok B -12-09, Pelangi Condominium,
Jalan Post Office Lama,
15000, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
my husband - a self made man. A dedication

Dato' Nik Abdul Rashid bin Nik Abdul Majid
24th September l936 - 18th October l996
My Husband, a self -made man. a dedication.
He always drums into me that "wealth and riches does not neccesarily bring happiness". According to him "Only sincerity, purity of the heart, kindness and high moral values ensures happiness"
He often streses "the importance of being close to God, will guarantee His everlasting love , peace and blessings"
My husband was a very simple man and he believes that only hard work, dedication and total submission to whatever cause or missions one chooses will ensure success and satisfaction in one's life. He always work hard to achieve his goals in life. He was never afraid to try anything that he thinks is best for mankind.
His love for his people, the Malays was always his greatest passion. His patriotism to fight for their cause was always uppermost in his mind. He was ready to serve, to put forward his ideas and to fight for their rights, in accordance with the law of the country.
24th September l936 - 18th October l996
My Husband, a self -made man. a dedication.
He always drums into me that "wealth and riches does not neccesarily bring happiness". According to him "Only sincerity, purity of the heart, kindness and high moral values ensures happiness"
He often streses "the importance of being close to God, will guarantee His everlasting love , peace and blessings"
My husband was a very simple man and he believes that only hard work, dedication and total submission to whatever cause or missions one chooses will ensure success and satisfaction in one's life. He always work hard to achieve his goals in life. He was never afraid to try anything that he thinks is best for mankind.
His love for his people, the Malays was always his greatest passion. His patriotism to fight for their cause was always uppermost in his mind. He was ready to serve, to put forward his ideas and to fight for their rights, in accordance with the law of the country.
He was never afraid when expressing what he believes could improve the livelihood of the Malays. He has contributed a small part in his own small way, in bringing about change to his people.
He believes that the Malays still lacks physically and mentally to except the change, despite having achieved independence. He believes the power of knowledge and wanted the Malays to be given their rightful place in the development of the country.
Through his writings, lectures, seminars, forums and conferences, he always stress the needs for the Malays to grab whatever opportunities to better claim their rightful place in society.
He was an active student leader even during his school days in Islah English School in Kota Bharu in the 1950's where he was holding the post of Prefect, Vice captain, Deputy Head boy,vice president Photographic society, and assistant monitor.
After leaving school he was still active in voluntary works. Although he never played Badminton, he was the Secretary to the Kelantan Badminton Associations in those days. He was also Committtee member of Kelantan Student Union and the ever-active Malay Student Union Associations (Gabungan Pelajar-pelajar Melayu Semenanjung).
He speaks and write in four languages namely Arabic, English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia.
As he had a penchant for writing, he was quick to write whatever ideas that comes to his mind if he thinks such ideas will benefit his people. He was always ready to put forward and discuss his vivid ideas at forums and conferences wherever opportunities arises, here and abroad.
Although he earned his LLB degree from the University of Singapore in 1967, and followed by a Masters degree in Public Administration from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, U.S.A in 1969, he did not confine himself to this two areas of studies only.
He was responsible for the establishment of the Faculty of Law, and was appointed the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
After leaving school he was still active in voluntary works. Although he never played Badminton, he was the Secretary to the Kelantan Badminton Associations in those days. He was also Committtee member of Kelantan Student Union and the ever-active Malay Student Union Associations (Gabungan Pelajar-pelajar Melayu Semenanjung).
He speaks and write in four languages namely Arabic, English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia.
As he had a penchant for writing, he was quick to write whatever ideas that comes to his mind if he thinks such ideas will benefit his people. He was always ready to put forward and discuss his vivid ideas at forums and conferences wherever opportunities arises, here and abroad.
Although he earned his LLB degree from the University of Singapore in 1967, and followed by a Masters degree in Public Administration from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, U.S.A in 1969, he did not confine himself to this two areas of studies only.
He was responsible for the establishment of the Faculty of Law, and was appointed the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
He has held the post of Acting Deputy vice Chancellor, University Malaya
He was responsible for opening up of a number of new ITM branches, when he was seconded to the post as the Director of Institute Technology Mara (Now known as UiTM)
He has headed the post of Master of Second Residential College University Malaya
He was the executive Director of PERZIM (Perbadanan Muzium Malaka) after he reties from his teaching career in the University.
Throughout his teaching career, he teaches Land Law, Constitutional Law and Public Administrations in various university and colleges in the country.
His extensive knowledge in these field of studies was sought after by goverment agencies and non-governmental organisation throughout the country.
He was never short of ideas in other field of studies and would write working papers on Religion, Education, Politic,Tourism, Transportation, and a host of other topics that he felt strongly about.
He was also a appointed as Lecturer in Islamic International University, Kuala Lumpur and been appointed as consultants to many voluntaries bodies and associations in the country before his sudden death in Malacca on 18th October l996.
He was buried at the Mount Kiara Muslim cemetry, in Kuala Lumpur.
His student can be found all over the world. This was proven whenever we have the opportunity to travel, to any part of the world, he is bound to meet his students wherever we landed. He always gets VVIP treatment from his ex-students whenever they meet him.
His student can be found all over the world. This was proven whenever we have the opportunity to travel, to any part of the world, he is bound to meet his students wherever we landed. He always gets VVIP treatment from his ex-students whenever they meet him.
Up until today, thirteen years after he had left us, his ex-students and those who knew him would all speak kindly of him.
One of the most amazing qualities about him is that, althougt he teaches thousands of students, he will never forget their names and their results, especiallay in the land law exams. I am indeed so proud of him. May Allah Bless his souls. Amin.
Monday, September 14, 2009
love yourself
All my life I felt I have done my best......especially for my mother and my children. I cannot claim however, that I was a perfect wife for my husband. He was so perfect for all of us that I will never be able to match him. He was so well-liked and respected by everyone, generous, understanding, and always knew what he was doing, whereas I was perfectly the opposite. Yet he was able to tolerate me all throughout out 36 years of marriage life. I felt so blessed for 36 years of my life, though I cannot deny that I had a fair share of unhappiness for ten years when he took a second wife in 1985. I suppose that is how God wanted to test me. We almost went our separate ways then, had it not been for my six beautiful children whom I dearly loved and worshipped.
I like to dress well and was always very fashionable and a trend setter, whereas he wanted nothing of that. I drives a Ford prefect to work as a clerk, in the early days of our marriege, while he goes to work on his ricketty old bicycle as a technician. I bought the car because I was holding three jobs at the same time.
I was only earning RM125.00 a month as a clerk in the District and Land Office, Kota Bharu while he was earning slightly more (I think) as a technician in the Survey Department. The income was hardly enough to feed our two babies. But I was very lucky as it was very easy to get jobs in those days. I was offered jobs with RTM as a part-time announcer and also a part-time teacher, teaching evening adult education classes in Kedai Mulong, about 14 kilometers away from kota Bharu.
Having a car for me to drive to work is considered a neccessity as I have to go back and feed my babies during lunch break and drive off to Wakaf Che Yeh to be at the conti by 5 o'clock every evening and later at 8.00 o'clok I had to rush to Kedai Mulong to fulfill my teaching obligations three times a week.
We were married on 1st of september 1960 and our first child was born on 28th of May 1961. Another daughter was born on 8th of June the following year.
My husband and I have very little in common. He deciplines our children while I was very protective and never allow him to lay his hands on them. I like to scold my children by screaming while he would take the rattan to show his anger.
However, I was always very close with my late mother. I have never gone against her wishes. She was my life and soul. When she died, part of my life went with her.
When she died, I felt my whole world came tumbling down on me. I was devastated. My world came crashing again when my husband decided to take another woman to be his lawfully wedded-wife. Had it not been for my children, I think I would have gone insane. I think of nothing but dying and pray to God to take my life away.
My children, are my everything. My youngest son, Azan was only twelve when his father died. I have never had any brothers or sisters, but I have many cousins living with my grandmother.
We all live in one big family home belonging to my grandmother. Apart from my mother,grandmother, grandfather and me there were others members of the family. there were eleven of us. My mother had to cook for all of them. She never complains and that make me wonder how she could handle all of us. She loves all her nieces and nephews and of course she loves me most. I was her only child.
My mother was a single parent for the most part of her life after my father left her when I was still in her womb. She married only once, when I was about fifteen years old, but her second husband died a few years later and she never re-marry again.
I was always given the best of everything especially food and attention. I never had to do anything. I was never asked to wash my own clothes and I have never helped her in the kitchen either. All was brought to me on a silver plate, so to say.
I remember whenever I come back from school, she will greet me at the gate and will carry my school bag up into the house. Lunch is ready, which is a spread of at least four of my favorite dishes (lauk- pauk) and I will be the first to eat. Nobody will touch the food before I eat. I do not remember having to share my food with anybody else. I eat alone, sometimes my mother will seat by me and watch me eat. She will eat after everyone has finished maybe because she had to clear all the dishes afterwards. MY MOTER WAS AN ANGEL SENT ABOVE.
My mother was such a deligent woman, strong, kind and very humble. She enjoyed cooking and sewing.
When I decided to follow my husband to work in Johore bahru, she came to live with us. My husband adopted two chidren from the kampung and they too came to live with us. By this time we already had three beautiful daughters. Nik Elin Zurina, Nik Ainun Zanariah and Nik Adura Zuliana.
I like to dress well and was always very fashionable and a trend setter, whereas he wanted nothing of that. I drives a Ford prefect to work as a clerk, in the early days of our marriege, while he goes to work on his ricketty old bicycle as a technician. I bought the car because I was holding three jobs at the same time.
I was only earning RM125.00 a month as a clerk in the District and Land Office, Kota Bharu while he was earning slightly more (I think) as a technician in the Survey Department. The income was hardly enough to feed our two babies. But I was very lucky as it was very easy to get jobs in those days. I was offered jobs with RTM as a part-time announcer and also a part-time teacher, teaching evening adult education classes in Kedai Mulong, about 14 kilometers away from kota Bharu.
Having a car for me to drive to work is considered a neccessity as I have to go back and feed my babies during lunch break and drive off to Wakaf Che Yeh to be at the conti by 5 o'clock every evening and later at 8.00 o'clok I had to rush to Kedai Mulong to fulfill my teaching obligations three times a week.
We were married on 1st of september 1960 and our first child was born on 28th of May 1961. Another daughter was born on 8th of June the following year.
My husband and I have very little in common. He deciplines our children while I was very protective and never allow him to lay his hands on them. I like to scold my children by screaming while he would take the rattan to show his anger.
However, I was always very close with my late mother. I have never gone against her wishes. She was my life and soul. When she died, part of my life went with her.
When she died, I felt my whole world came tumbling down on me. I was devastated. My world came crashing again when my husband decided to take another woman to be his lawfully wedded-wife. Had it not been for my children, I think I would have gone insane. I think of nothing but dying and pray to God to take my life away.
My children, are my everything. My youngest son, Azan was only twelve when his father died. I have never had any brothers or sisters, but I have many cousins living with my grandmother.
We all live in one big family home belonging to my grandmother. Apart from my mother,grandmother, grandfather and me there were others members of the family. there were eleven of us. My mother had to cook for all of them. She never complains and that make me wonder how she could handle all of us. She loves all her nieces and nephews and of course she loves me most. I was her only child.
My mother was a single parent for the most part of her life after my father left her when I was still in her womb. She married only once, when I was about fifteen years old, but her second husband died a few years later and she never re-marry again.
I was always given the best of everything especially food and attention. I never had to do anything. I was never asked to wash my own clothes and I have never helped her in the kitchen either. All was brought to me on a silver plate, so to say.
I remember whenever I come back from school, she will greet me at the gate and will carry my school bag up into the house. Lunch is ready, which is a spread of at least four of my favorite dishes (lauk- pauk) and I will be the first to eat. Nobody will touch the food before I eat. I do not remember having to share my food with anybody else. I eat alone, sometimes my mother will seat by me and watch me eat. She will eat after everyone has finished maybe because she had to clear all the dishes afterwards. MY MOTER WAS AN ANGEL SENT ABOVE.
My mother was such a deligent woman, strong, kind and very humble. She enjoyed cooking and sewing.
When I decided to follow my husband to work in Johore bahru, she came to live with us. My husband adopted two chidren from the kampung and they too came to live with us. By this time we already had three beautiful daughters. Nik Elin Zurina, Nik Ainun Zanariah and Nik Adura Zuliana.
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