Thursday, November 22, 2007

Visiting my son in Ireland

I am back in Cork, Ireland for the third time.The last time I was here was two years ago.The first time I was here I had my granddaughter,Tengku Diyana for company. We really enjoyed ourselves visiting new places and we did a lot of window shopping.This time I had Tengku Amir,Diyana's younger brother,with me.

I have always enjoyed travelling especially to a country with a temperate climate. I love to see the snow and also enjoyed watching the different culture and ways of life in different parts of the world. It make me realize the greatness of our creator. The more I see the world the more I feel His creations.

When I visiited the Niagara Falls way back in l960's, I was so fascinated by the height and majestic falls. I was thrilled and awed by it's greatness.When I visited Tokyo I saw how men was able to overcome the devastation of war by building back a city so sophisticated and modern in such a short time. I think of Hiroshima being destroyed during the war and how quickly the Japanese rebuild themselves.

In 1984 when I had the opportunity to perform my Haj for the first time, I was overwhelmed by the sight of the Kaabah that I cried and cried. I felt so close to God and I felt I was welcome by Him into His home.

Then in l998 I travelled to Iran with my youingest son,Azan, whom I am now visiting in Ireland, I felt an enormous sense of fascination once again.This time I was amazed at the majestic ruins left behind by the ancient civilization.Looking at the gigantic structures and pillars left standing, their achitectural knowledge must have been greater than our present civilization.

But now I realised it is not that easy to travel as you grow older. My leg is not as strong as before, so if you have the time and money don't wait. See the world while you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the most important things we can do in Life is to Realise.

And especially to Realise Reality.