Two nights ago we were rudely awakened by a thunderous bang on my bedroom door. I thought an earthquate had struck Kota Bharu. The whole house shake because of heavy kick from a drunkard man, who was once married to my daughter. He is my son-in-law no more.
They have been divorced almost a year ago through a court order, and I hope he will never be my son-in-law ever again until the day I die. If he wanted to remarry my daughter, he had to do it over my dead body. I hate him so much for what he did to my daughter and my grand-children that I hated him from the bottom of my heart. My daughter had 5 children by him before she called it a day because she cannot tolerate him no more.
He spent all his money on booze and hardly give any to my daughter, who is a lawyer by profession and he is nothing but a brute and behave like a gangster.He is only a human being when he is sober but turns into an "Iblis" when he is drunk and he boozes every day and nights.So he is most of the time an "Iblis". He boozes all night long and sleep or watch TV all day long.
He shouts at his children but never lay his hand on them and accuses my daughter of adultery and all sorts of bad things. He tells people that my daughter is "an Iblis bertopingkan manusia", which actually aptly fits him like a skin on his body. He is really "the Iblis bertopingkan manusia" meaning the devil masquerading a human being" which he is.
Last night again (sunday 18th of May, 2008) he came banging the door in the middle of the night(drunk of course) and tried to come into my house. He kept on banging and kicking the solid door and shouting for my daughter to open it.
When he realised that the door was too strong for him,he asked the maid to take a parang to break my solid door made from hard wood called "Seraya Kitang" which is almost equivalent to "Kayu cengal". He keeps on banging and kicking the door like a mad man and shouting, but luckily only the door knobs gave way.
The reason being, he wanted my daughter back,so bad that he had been spending money paying the bomohs so that my daughter wants him back. But my daughter has had enough of him and do not want him anymore.
In fact my daughter once told me that when she sees him , he reminded her of a babi(pork chop), not like a man anymore, which is definitely haram to touch. So how can she remarry him. But he cannot accept that facts and keep on insisting that he still wants her and wanted to have another child with her.It is only is EGO really.
Being a "raja" he cannot accepts rejections. He only wanted to torture her and use the children to get his way. He knew that we all loved the children and the children loved us and this facts too make him feel "small". Obviously he cannot take it and wanted revenge. He think by torturing us he will get his way and my daughter will give in and take him back.
I was really very scared and was trembling and shaking like never before. I was shaking from head to toe. I was sure if he was able to break the door I would smash his head.
Me and my daughter was sitting in front of the door, waiting for him and I was trembling and shaking and I felt so helpless and scared. I had never been so scared because we are being confronted by a frustrated and a drunk man.
Armed with a stick given to me by an orang Asli (I was it told had certain powers) I was ready to strike him, but my legs and my whole body was trembling and shaking, but I was determined to strike him. I will not let him come into our house and take away my grandchildren who are soundly asleep with us.
It was only about half an hour later, that he stopped banging and kicking, because he knew he cannot come to us, because the door just would not give way to him.So we were spared this time. I do not know what he will do next. This man is MAD. He once said he wanted to burn the house.
We are neighbours to a mad man. He thinks he is powerful because of his connections to the Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Kelantan. He being one of the younger brother of the Raja perempuan. He wanted to take away the children from us. He is been telling my daughter that if she refused him then we will never see the children again.
We loved the dear children too much and he knew that. They are our body and souls. If he takes away the children, my heart will burst. Miki especially means everything to me.
Now I have no choice but to keep the adjoining door locked for good.But this will mean my grandchildren will not be able to come over to my side of the house anymore. If they want to come, they have to go through the main door.

My daughter do not like the idea. She still insisted that I keep the middle(adjoining) door open for easy axcess especially for Miki,who likes to escape from his father in the middle of the night.
But my daughter just do not understand that she is not staying in that house anymore. Somebody who had just tried to smash my door and destroyed my property is staying there now.
In Kelantsn people treats the royal families, as though they are sacred. It is high time people change their attitude and treat them like ordinary people, because they are all ordinary people. Their stools are as dirty as ours and as smelly as any others. So what is so special about them. Trust me they are like us, in every way.
Stop treating them like some sacred gods.It is making them "big headed" and make them feel "special".That is how my ex-son-in-law thinks. He think he is the most powerful person in this earth and no one can go against his wishes because he is the "Raja".Well, even "Raja Brook" cannot keep his throne in Sarawak.
With this I wish Karpal Singh "best wishes" and may he win his case and put everyone on a level playing field. Malaysia will prosper if the people are willing to work hard, with or without the royalties.
Can't you make a police report on the threats that he is giving you and the children?
He is also disturbing the neighbouhood with his daily screaming in the middle of the night. Won't that suffice to make a police report?
Yeah, so his family is so influential in KB, and nothing will be done, but, at least, a report has been made and you have a copy, even if the police decides to tear into pieces the copy that they have, if they fear the istana so much.
I am leaving everything to Allah. He knows better what lies ahead.I am just praying and hope He will protect and guide us all to the right path always.
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