Thursday, May 22, 2008

God will grant your wish if you prayed really hard.

My eldest daughter seem not to trust God anymore, because she is so frustrated with her ex-husband who never seem to change despite her prayers asking Allah to change him. She had gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca and prayed in Masjidil Haram to ask Him to help change her husband's drinking habit. She prayed and prayed but her prayers seems to have gone unnoticed.

She wanted him to stop drinking so much because she cannot tolerate it anymore. It has taken a toll on her and her children. He would only stop for a month or a week and then he would be back on his drinking trail again when he cannot get his way.

When he is drunk he tortured everybody including his own children. Sometimes bringing and forcing them to watch him drink at his drinking outlet, one of which is the "goldenn city" in town, for hours. Sometimes he drank at any roadside stalls in Kampung Cina and made the children (including his second daughter Yana who is already a teenager) to sit and watch him drink.

I understand how you feel, my dearest daughter, but God listens to you if you keep on believing in Him. It is written in the Holy Qur'an.

So keep on praying to Him and seek His forgiveness. Maybe God has some other blessings for you. Remember Allah loves us all and He will never let us down if you trust Him fully.

Please, my dearest daughter, I know God only listens to you when you pray really hard. God listened to me when I prayed for him to release me of my problem when Ba took a second wife.
I prayed to God to release me of my pain of having to share him with another woman.

I prayed really hard for ten years. I cried and cried and begged Him to release me of the pain. Yes, He indeed answered my prayers, He took Ba away as a solution to my problem. I cannot think of a better solution than that.

As a precaution though, be careful how you prayed and what you asked for. Do not ask for something that will eventually make you loose something more valuable than what you really want.

We do not know what God has in store for you, my dear daughter. We love your children so dearly and God knows that, so let us pray for Allah's blessings for their wellness, happiness, strength and success in life here and thereafter. Most important of all is, let them be protected and guided by Allah to the right path always.


TWT said...

askm datin,
who is that guy? (your ex son in law) tell me his name.

... ... ... ... ... ... nik elin said...

"God listened to me when I prayed for him to release me of my problem when Ba took a second wife.""I prayed to God to release me of my pain of having to share him with another woman.I prayed really hard for ten years. I cried and cried and begged Him to release me of the pain. Yes, He indeed answered my prayers, He took Ba away as a solution to my problem."

Thats was I meant by not trusting God anymore. Because when we pray for something else, something else, which effcetively and literally answers our prayers but not the way we want it.

I meant we have to be careful in what we ask for from God.

I dont want to pray that my children stop being tortured as it could mean that they are taken away forever by God. Naudzubillah.

I never pray to get RM1,000,000.00 as it could mean, I could suddenly get death insurance benefits of a loved one. Naudzubillah.

I never want to pray to forget about my ex, as it could mean that I could be diagnosed with Alheizmers desease and of which my memory would be wiped out. Naudzubillah.

I never want to pray to be released of all my burdens, as it could mean that something bad could happen.

Thats what I meant when I wrote, "I dont trust GOD anymore."

Anonymous said...

A'kum Datin,
Do u by any chance, have a step daughter?